Mississippi Yellow Pages for Kids
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Search Tip: So you don't have to scroll through pages of addresses on your state page, do this: With Windows, press Control, letter F, with Mac press Command, letter F, then type in your city, zip code, or other search criteria, such as esq. for an attorney. Try zip codes for other nearby towns.
Those listings containing an asterisk (*) have sponsored a Wrightslaw conference.
with Disabilities Act (ADA) & Accessible IT Resource Center Southeast
Disability and Business Technical Assistance Center (DBTAC) 490 Tenth Street
Atlanta, GA 30318 (800) 949-4232 (V/TTY) Web: http://www.sedbtac.org/ The
Arc/Mississippi Association for the Rights of Citizens with Developmental Disabilities
7 Lakeland Circle, Suite 600 Jackson, MS 39202 (601) 982-1180;
(800) 717-1180
Email: matt | at | arcms.org
Web: www.arcms.org
Arc of Lowndes County
Norma Jones or Leslie Junkin
P.O. Box 5387
Columbus, MS 39704
(662) 245-1323 or (662) 327-2965
Email: arclowndescounty | at | hotmail.com
A volunteer organization made up of parents and professionals dedicated
to supporting (IEP's, IDEA), educating, and empowering individuals
with developmental disabilities and their families.
Speech Therapy Services, LLC
Machelle Aultman, MS CCC-SLP
Sumrall Location: 668 Old Salt Rd, Sumrall, MS 39482
Hattiesburg Location: 4805 West 4th Street, Hattiesburg, MS 39402
(601) 270-6968; (601) 758-0982 (fax)
Email: machelle | at | aultmanspeechtherapy.com
Web: http://aultmanspeechtherapy.com
We provide speech therapy services as well as testing and tutoring
for dyslexia.
Jeannette Washington, M.Ed.
83 Horton Street
Detroit, MI 48202
(313) 389-6845
Email: bearlyarticulating | at | gmail.com
Web: http://www.bearlyarticulating.com
Multisensory instruction for educators that work with students that
exhibit dyslexia and other language-based learning differences.
Therapy Pediatric Group
Judy Lindsay
115 W. Jackson Street, Suite F
Ridgeland, MS 39157
(601) 853-9747
Email: lindsay619 | at | comcast.net
Web: http://www.bptherapygroup.com
Exclusively devoted to providing pediatric speech-language, occupational,
physical and music therapy, ABA and special instruction services
in a child friendly environment.
A. Bowie, Esq.
Attorney at Law
P.O. Box 736
Jackson, MS 39205
(601) 717-3107; (601) 371-9526
Email: courtney_bowie | at | yahoo.com
I have several years of experience representing students with disabilities
in Alabama, Louisiana and Mississippi.
Injury Association of Mississippi P.O. Box 55912 Jackson, MS 39296-5912
(601) 981-1021; (800) 641-6442
Email: biaofms | at | aol.com
Web: www.members.aol.com/biaofms/index.htm Bureau
of Mental Retardation Department of Mental Health 1101 Robert E.
Lee Building 239 N. Lamar Street Jackson, MS 39201 (601) 359-1288
Web: www.dmh.state.ms.us
Central Mississippi Autism Support Group Pam Dollar 149 Dry Creek Road Magee,
MS 39111 (601) 594-9314; (601) 849-3981 (fax)
Email: pkdollar | at | bellsouth.net
provide support, information, and advocacy for individuals with autism spectrum
disorders and their families in Central Mississippi.*
Central Mississippi Autism Support Group sponsored a Wrightslaw program in 2014.
Mississippi Down Syndrome Society (CMDSS) Van Waites or Jean Weiss
Post Office Box 2189 Brandon, MS 39043 (601) 397-3696; (601) 397-DOWN
Email: van | at | cmdss.org or jean | at | cmdss.org
Web: www.cmdss.org
A support group to promote awareness, acceptance, and inclusion
of people with Down syndrome through educational programs, social
events, annual Buddy Walk, New Parent Guide, and calendar.
Palsy Foundation of Mississippi, Inc. P.O. Box 16924 Jackson, MS 39236-6924
(601) 853-1961; (888) 852-1961 (toll free)
Email: cpfofms | at | aol.com
Web: www.cpfofms.org
Meridian Area
(601) 484-7144
and Youth with Special Health Care Needs
MS State Dept. of Health
P.O. Box 1700
Jackson, MS 39215-1700
(601) 576-7281; (800) 844-0898 (National/WATS)
Email: sara.jenkins | at | msdh.ms.gov
Web: http://www.msdh.ms.gov/
Assistance Program Mississippi Society for Disabilities
500-G East Woodrow Wilson Drive
Jackson, MS 39296
(601) 982-7051
for Citizens with Disabilities
Pam Dollar
2 Old River Place, Suite A
Jackson, MS 39202
(601) 969-0601; (601) 709-0250 (fax)
Email: pam | at | msccd.org
Web: http://www.msccd.org/
Mississippi Autism Support Group
P.O. Box 205
West Point, MS 39773
(662) 494-7060; (662) 404-7533 (fax)
Support Group for families and freinds of individuals with autism.
| at | Hattiesburg Clinic
Sandra Hamilton, Manager
1101 B. South 28th Ave.
Hattiesburg, MS 39402
(601) 261-5159; (601) 268-2039 (fax)
Email: martha.woodall | at | hattiesburgclinic.com
Web: http://www.hattiesburgclinic.com
Providing comprehensive assessments and individualized treatments
for children ages birth to eighteen with reading , language and
speech problems . Educational consultations available for parents.
on Developmental Disabilities
1101 Robert E. Lee Building
239 N. Lamar St.
Jackson, MS 39201
(601) 359-1270
Web: http://www.dmh.state.ms.us/
Amy Drummond
PO Box 390
Meridian, MS 39302
(601) 692-8909
Email: info | at | decodingdyslexiams.org
Web: http://www.decodingdyslexiams.org
Decoding Dyslexia - MS is a grassroots movement driven by MS families
concerned with the limited access to educational interventions for dyslexia
and other language-based learning disabilities within our schools.
of Mental Health
1101 Robert E. Lee Building
239 N. Lamar Street
Jackson, MS 39201
(601) 359-1288
Web: http://www.dmh.state.ms.us/
Disability Rights of Mississippi
Protection and Advocacy for Individuals with Disabilities
210 East Capital Street, Suite 600
Jackson, MS 39201
(601) 968-0600
Toll Free (800) 772-4057
Web: http://www.disabilityrightsms.com/
Community Resource Center
Agnes Johnson
P.O. Box 1733
Greenville, MS 38702-1733
(800) 337-4852; (882) 332-4852; (662) 332-1622 (fax)
Email: empower | at | suddenlinkmail.com
Educational rights-community based non-profit organization which
plays an important role in the evolution of standards-based school
reform and the potential for improving the quality of education
for children in the Delta area of Mississippi.
Foundation of Mississippi P.O. Box 16232 Jackson, MS 39236-6232
(601) 362-2761; (800) 898-0291 (In MS)
Email: efm | at | netdoor.com
Advocating Collaborating Teaching and Supporting for Children's Mental
Health, Inc.)
The Gulf Coast Chapter of MS Families As Allies, Inc.
18041 Dedeaux Clan Road,
Gulfport, MS 39503
Email: adedeaux | at | yahoo.com
F.A.C.T.S. is for caregivers and professionals whose children and youth
have emotional behavioral or mental health needs.
as Allies
Iris Brown
840 East River Place Suite 500
Jackson, MS 39202
(601) 355-0915; (601) 355-0919 (fax)
Email: jhogge | at | faams.org
Web: http://faams.org
Grassroots non-profit that provides family-to-family education, support
and advocacy for families of children with mental health challenges.
First Braille
Brenda Ramsey
1636 Popps Ferry Road, Suite 221
Biloxi, MS 39532
(228) 224-2920
Email: BrendaRamsey | at | FamilyFirstBraille.com
Web: http://www.familyfirstbraille.com
Small business providing a magazine and grants for people with visual
impairments and their families.
Susan Snapp
128 S. McCrary Rd
Columbus, MS 39702
(662) 327-7333
Email: futures | at | futuresunlimited.com
Web: http://www.futuresunlimited.com
Specializing in Chronologically Controlled Developmental Therapy
for autism, developmental delays, cerebral palsy and learning disabilities.
Provide intensive and home programs.
Coast Autism Support Network
Patty Gautier
5908 Tolar Road
Moss Point, MS 39562
(228) 588-3016
Email: pattygautier | at | yahoo.com
A support group for family and friends of individuals with autism.
Meets the second Monday of each month at the Ocean Springs Hospital
Library from 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Coast Down Syndrome Society
Kim Duffy
P.O. Box 654
Gautier, MS 39553
(228) 623-3331
Email: gcdss | at | cableone.net
Web: http://gcdss.org
We provide family support and new parent welcome/information packets.
We also host an annual Buddy Walk and monthly support group meetings.
Coast Education Solutions, LLC
Angel Jones
23272 Hwy 49 Frontage Rd. Suite C
Saucier, MS 39574
(228) 806-0616
Email: Ajones | at | gulfcoastedsolutions.com
Web: http://www.gulfcoastedsolutions.com
A team of service providers for dyslexia therapy, speech-language
therapy, tutoring, educational evaluations, advocacy, early intervention,
and more!
Notes, LLC (Music Therapy Services)
Amanda Miles
500 Old West Point Road
Starkville, MS 39759
(662) 552-3310
Email: healingnotesMT | at | hotmail.com
Provide music therapy services for persons with disabilities in the
Golden Triangle area. All services are provided by a board certified
music therapist.
Healthy Futures
754 N. President Street
Jackson, MS 39202
(601) 969-0601; (800) 748-9420 (V/TTY)
Email: HFofMS | at | aol.com
Web: www.healthyfuturesms.com
Diane (Tasha) Johnson
234 Lacy Evans Rd
Wiggins, MS 39577
(228) 234-9381
Email: ineducationwetrust2016 | at | gmail.com
InEducationWeTrust, Inc. is a nonprofit organization that provides
advocacy services, consulting, educational resources and support,
mentoring programs and scholarships to those in need of assistance.
Institute for Disability Studies
Mississippi-University Affiliated Program
University of Southern Mississippi
P.O. Box 5163
Hattiesburg, MS 39406-5163
(601) 266-5163; (601) 266-6035 (TTY); (888) 671-0051 (in MS only)
Email: jane.siders | at | usm.edu
Web: www.ids.usm.edu
Autism Center
Dr. Rebecca Mullican
314 Colonial Circle
Jackson, MS 39211
(769) 218-9596
Email: dr.rmullican | at | gmail.com
Web: http://jacksonautismcenter.com/
Jackson Autism Center is designed to meet the developmental needs of
children, including but not limited to: educational, social, communication/language,
behavioral, and self-help skills.
Prep Program
Bernice Malcolm
P.O. Box 446
Shaw, MS 38773
P.O. Box 375
West Henrietta, NY 14586
(585) 334-7299; (585) 321-3525; (585) 334-7093 (fax)
Email: lifetimeprep | at | rochester.rr.com
Web: http://www.lifetimeprep.org
I serve students with or without disabilities, school districts and
state department of education. Services include AIS, RTI, IEP, 504,
IST, TTS, and much more.
Independence for Everyone (L.I.F.E) 710 Katie Avenue Hattiesburg,
MS 39401 (601) 583-2108; (800) 898-8977
Independence for Everyone (L.I.F.E.)
754 N. President Street
Jackson, MS 39202
(601) 969-4009; (800) 748-9398 (TTY)
Email: lifeofms | at | aol.com
Web: www.lifeofms.com/index.html
Living Independence for Everyone (L.I.F.E)
754 North President Street
Jackson, MS 39202
(601) 969-4009
Email: lifeofms | at | aol.com
B. Mayhone, Jr.
Wilson Elder Law Center
2113 B-1 Government Place
Ocean Springs, MS 39564
(228) 872-3123; (228) 872-3379 (fax)
Email: donna | at | jimwilsonlaw.com
Web: http://jimwilsonlaw.com
Consulting and advisement of Special Needs Planning services are
provided to families with loved ones with disabilities.
Jefferson Traylor
PO Box 997
Canton, MS 39046
(662) 582-7621
Email: icontactMECA | at | yahoo.com
Web: http://www.MississippiEducationalConsultantandAdvocate.com
Does your child have a disability? Is he having difficulty getting
along with others? Has she failed 1 or more grades? Do you need
an Advocate? You DO NOT have to stand alone...
Mental Health Association of the Capital Area, Inc.
411 Briarwood Drive, Suite 401
Jackson, MS 39206
(601) 956-2800
Email: mhajxn | at | aol.com
South Regional Tourette Syndrome Association
Jackson Metro area group
Sonia Bartosek
2703 Maclean Rd.
Jackson, MS 39209
(601) 366-1766
Email: sonia_mstsa | at | bellsouth.net
We provide education and support for adults and children with TS
as well as their families and teachers.
Adaptive Sports
Mike Spence
7001 Holly Springs Rd
Hernando, MS 38632
(662) 233-2287
Email: mspence | at | msadaptivesports.com
Web: http://www.msadaptivesports.com
MSAS provides sports training, loaner equipment if available, and
competitive sporting events for Athletes with physical handicaps.
Congress of Parents and Teachers, Inc. P.O. Box 1754 Greenville, MS
38701 (601) 352-7383; (800) 795-6123
Email: shirlcartl | at | aol.com Mississippi
Department of Education Suite 338, Central High Building 359 North
West Street, P.O. Box 771 Jackson, MS 39205-0771 (601) 359-3498; (601)
359-2198 (fax); (877) 544-0408
Web: http://www.mde.k12.ms.us/special_education/
Department of Education's daily legislative report You also may access
this information by calling toll-free 1-877-LegisEd (534-4733.)
Web: http://www.mde.k12.ms.us/extrel/legup.htm
Families As Allies for Children's Mental Health 5166 Keele Street, Building
A Jackson, MS 39206 (800) 833-9671
Email: msfaa | at | netdoor.com
or Nancy Vaughn 5166 Keele St. Jackson, MS, 39206 (601)
Email: nvaughn | at | msfaacmh.org
Families As Allies - DeSoto County
Tiffany M. Larsen, N. MS Regional Coordinator
6537 Firefly Cove
Walls, MS 38680
(662) 781-0447; (901) 359-1272 mobile
Email: smilette | at | midsouth.rr.com
Providing family support, education, and advocacy for all of North Mississippi.
Families for Children with Dyslexia (MFCD)
120 South George Street, Petal, MS 39465
1513 Winter Valley Drive, Tupelo, MS 38801
(662) 523-5349
Email: cholifield | at | the3dschool.org
Web: http://www.the3dschool.org/
An organization where parents of children with dyslexia can share their
stories and learn of resources in Mississippi to assist them with their
children. Making the individual child's needs a top priority is our
Hands & Voices
Sheila cargile
P.O. Box 660
Clinton, MS 39060
(601) 790-0701
Email: Mshandsandvoices | at | gmail.com
Web: http://mshandsandvoices.org
A parent driven, non profit, state chapter of Hands & Voices, dedicated
to supporting families with children who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing.
Office of Special Education Web: http://www.mde.k12.ms.us/acad/sped/
Office of Vocational Rehabilitation
Department of Rehabilitation Services
P.O. Box 1698
Jackson, MS 39215-1698
(601) 853-5230
Web: www.mdrs.state.ms.us
Mississippi Parent Training and Information Center
Leslie Junkin, Project Director
2 Old River Place Ste M
Jackson, MS 39202
(601) 969-0601
Email: leslie | at | mspti.org
Web: http://www.mspti.org
MSPTI provides training, information and support to families of children with disabilities ages Birth-26 empowering them to assist their children in meeting their educational goals. *
Mississippi Parent Training and Information Center co-sponsored a
Wrightlaw event in 2014.
Protection and Advocacy System 5305 Executive Place, Suite A Jackson,
MS 39206 (601) 981-8207; (800) 772-4057 Web: http://www.mspas.com/
Speech-Language-Hearing Association
P.O. Box 22664
Jackson, MS 39225-2664
(800) 664-6742
Email: msha | at | misnet.com
Web: www.mshausa.org
Deaf-Blind Project
Toni Hollingsworth
University of Southern Mississippi
Curriculum, Instruction, and Special Education
118 College Drive # 5115
Hattiesburg, MS 39406-0001
(800) 264-5135; (601) 266-4978 (fax)
Email: toni.hollingsworth | at | usm.edu
Web: http://www.usm.edu/msdb
Serving children 0-21 years old who have combined vision & hearing
loss through training, and resources in residential/educational
settings - U.S. Department of Education Grant #H326C0042.
Mississippi (National Alliance for the Mentally Ill) 411 Briarwood Drive,
Suite 401 Jackson, MS 39206 (601) 899-9058
Email: namimiss1 | at | aol.com Office
of Special Education Department of Education P.O. Box 771 - Central
High School Building Jackson, MS 39205-0771 (601) 359-3498 Web:
www.mde.k12.ms.us/acad/sped Office
of Vocational Rehabilitation for the Blind Mississippi Department of
Rehabilitation Services P.O. Box 1698 Jackson, MS 39215-1698 (601)
853-5100; (800) 443-1000
Email: mgandy | at | mdrs.state.ms.us
One Hope, LLC
Michelle Tullar
100 Castlewoods Blvd
Brandon, MS 39047
(769) 572-7475
Email: amt.onehopems | at | gmail.com
Web: http://www.onehopems.com
We are a Medicaid Waiver provider. We work to improve the health and well-being of the people we serve in Day Service, Supported Employment, Home & Community Supports, Supported Living, and In Home Respite.
Parents United Together
P.O. Box 2810
Jackson, MS 39207-2810
Email: MOM424 | at | aol.com
Web: www.parentsunitedtogether.com *
Parents United Together sponsored a Wrightslaw program in 2003.
for Children with Disabilities: Ages 3 through 5 Office of Special Education
Department of Education P.O. Box 771 Jackson, MS 39205-0771 (601)
359-3498 Web: www.mde.k12.ms.us/acad/sped Programs
for Children with Special Health Care Needs Children's Medical Program
Board of Health P.O. Box 1700 Jackson, MS 39215-1700 (601) 987-3965;
(800) 844-0898 (National/WATS) Programs
for Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities: Ages Birth through 2 First
Steps Early Intervention System Mississippi State Department of Health (MSDH)
P.O. Box 1700 570 E. Woodrow Wilson Boulevard, Room 107 Jackson,
MS 39215-1700 (601) 576-7427; (800) 451-3903 (in MS)
Web: www.msdh.state.ms.us
EMPOWER P.O. Box 1733 Greenville, MS 38702-1733 (662) 332-4852;
(800) 337-4852
Email: empower | at | tecinfo.com
Education Documents/Memos Web: http://www.mde.k12.ms.us/special_education/info_pubs.html Special
Vocational Services for the Handicapped Office of Vocational and Technical
Education Department of Education P.O. Box 771 Jackson, MS 39205-0771
(601) 359-3089
Email: smay | at | mde.k12.ms.us
Web: www.mde.k12.ms.us
Spina Bifida Association of Mississippi 1511 Tracewood Drive Jackson,
MS 39211 (601) 957-2410
Web: http://www.spinabifidams.org/
Board of Education Policy Manual
(REGS for special Ed Included)
State Board of Education (SBE) Policies
Web: http://www.mde.k12.ms.us/public/1whmsbe.htm
Education Agency Rural Representative
Walter H. Moore
Department of Education
P.O. Box 771
Jackson, MS 39205
Mediation System Department of Education Office of Special Education
P.O. Box 771 Jackson, MS 39205 (601) 359-3498
Email: bquarles | at | mde.k12.ms.us
Web: www.mde.k12.ms.us
(Together Enhancing Autism Awareness in Mississippi)
P.O. Box 213
Newton, MS 39345
(601) 683-4200
Email: myeager | at | cmrc.state.ms.us
Web: www.TEAAM.org
Learning Center
730 East Beach Blvd.
Long Beach, MS 39560
(228) 214-3400; (601) 500-7447 (fax)
Email: sara.jackson | at | usm.edu
Web: http://usm.edu/ids/tlc
TLC offers children & adults with disabilities Assistive Technology
assessments, training, lending equipment for communication, computer
access, toys, art, sports & recreation (beach,sports wheelchairs,
Assistance Mississippi Project Start P.O. Box 1698 Jackson, MS
39215-1698 (601) 987-4872 (V/TTY)
Email: contactus | at | msprojectstart.org Web:
http://www.msprojectstart.org/ Tourette
Syndrome Association Mid South Regional Chapter Mississippi Outreach
Program Contact: Sonia Bartosek (601) 366-1766
Email: sonia_mstsa | at | bellsouth.net Web:
http://www.tsa-usa.org We provide support
for families dealing with the complexities of Tourette, training programs for
educators, and information for physicians throughout Mississippi. Tri-Lakes
Autism Parent Support Group Emily Thomas Johnson, Ph.D. 4628 Union
Road Sardis, MS 38666 (662) 609-4950; (662) 487-3188 (fax)
Email: ETJPhD | at | gmail.com
The Tri-Lakes Autism Parent Support Group organized in May 2006. Serving most
of Northwest Mississippi. Meets monthly.
Arts of Mississippi
350 Woodrow Wilson Drive Box 3512
Jackson, MS 39213
(601) 713-3311; (601) 713-3344
Email: jadcvsa | at | netdoor.com
Way - Pediatric Behavioral Psychology, LLC
Dr. Dannell Roberts, Ph.D.
20 Parkway Blvd. Hattiesburg, MS 39401
232 Market St. Suite 245, Flowood, MS 39232
(601) 255-5264
Email: info | at | willswaybehavioral.com
Web: http://www.willswaybehavioral.com
Will's Way is a pediatric behavioral psychology practice dedicated
to providing behavioral mental health and psychological services for
a variety of issues that impact a child's quality of life.